Company profile> content
Incorporated in October 2002, China TravelSky Holding Company is a solely-state-owned high-tech enterprise that is specialized in providing information service for...
Our culture
Corporate Strategy> content
Putting information security first: the precondition and foundation of an information service enterprise is to ensure the information security. With the goal to achieve the continuance of information security, TravelSky always puts information security in the first place, protects national information security, promotes industry development, and protects customers’ interests...
Cultural Concept> content

Corporate Mission: To establish the best platform to provide high-quality service and create extraordinary value through collecting information forces;

Corporate Aspiration: To be a world-class comprehensive information service enterprise;

Corporate Philosophy: To go far and smartly with collective wisdom; Corporate Soul: Self-improvement, professionalism, teamwork, and integrity...

Corporate Image> content

Explanation:“中国航信” and “TravelSky” are the Chinese and English abbreviation of the company; the conciseness in shape, clean contrast in language and the highlighted English name embody the fashion and technology richness of the enterprise...

Development process
Management   more
Board of Directors

Acting as the Chairman: Cui Zhixiong
Executive Directors: Cui Zhixiong, Xiao Yinhong
Non-Executive Directors: Cao Jianxiong, Li Yangmin, Yuan Xin’an
Independent Non-Executive Directors: Cao Shiqing, Ngai Wai Fung, Liu Xiangqun

Recognition Awards   more
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